3 Tips To Help Keep You Pain Free While Gardening

It’s that time of the year where the sun comes out and the gardens explode. And while you want to make use of the good weather, it can be easy to overdo it and end up crocked afterwards.

So, to help avoid that from here are 3 things to keep in mind.

1 – Take regular breaks. 

It might sound obvious but the majority of pains and injuries happen from people doing Too much, Too soon. Every now and again, get up and change position, go get a drink of water or rest for a few minutes.

This is help you break up the repetitive positions that you can end in when gardening and bring your joints through a full range of motion.

Your body will thank you for it and in the end, you will be able to garden for longer.

2 – Use aids to help

Use a pad to kneel on or a stool to sit on if you have to spend a long time in a crouched position.

Again, it might seem very simple and obvious but it’s very easy to start a job thinking that it may only take a few minutes, and 60 minutes later you are still in the same position. This will cause overload on your body as again it is too much, too soon. 

So, if you have to weed or plant then bring a few aids with you to make it easier. 

3 – Stretch out that evening and the next morning

This can be as simple as 5 minutes of stretching that evening and again the next morning. 

This will bring your joints through their range of movement and will can help to prevent them stiffening up and causing pain. 

Also, if you are very stiff and sore the next day, take note of this and it would be advisable to take it easier that day in the garden. 

Like any exercise or sport, when you haven’t done it in a while, you will be a little sore and stiff the next day. If you are a little out of shape, except to feel even more sore and stiff. 

Treat gardening in the same  way and it treat you well in return. 

If you are reading these tips too late and you are in need of some help with aches and pains then you can get in touch. Call the clinic or you can book online by clicking the link the link below.


BOOK Your Appointment online  by clocking here 

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